Chair’s preface
I am deeply grateful to all those who have performed in such a remarkable, professional and collaborative manner
THERE ARE MAJOR CHALLENGES TO the ways we operate and organise societies. Simultaneously there are major changes to the resilience of the Earth system and its biosphere altering the playing field for civilisations.
Now, in the Anthropocene, society and nature are not just linked but truly intertwined and coevolving.
Science is needed to interpret data on the present situation and provide guidance towards a fairer, more sustainable future.
It is in this context that the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) plays a significant role in our world, standing at the very forefront of science and sustainability.
We have a long legacy of researching social-ecological systems within the biosphere and investigating the best ways to protect, adapt and transform them – despite any complexities, uncertainties and changes that we might face. This has led to major systemic insights, which are now increasingly being acted upon. It is incredibly exciting!
Deep engagement
Driven by curiosity, the SRC conducts interdisciplinary, problem-oriented research, which goes hand in hand with creating scientific policy via our many collaborations.
Not only is this combination unique, but it is also significant, since it inspires both people and practice worldwide.
The breadth of the SRC’s accomplishments reflects an impressive level of activity and commitment to quality
Some of our most notable achievements include the publication of numerous research articles in Nature and other Nature-related journals, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), Science Advances, Global Environmental Change and other leading journals.
List of all our publication 2021 (PDF)

We have also shown deep engagement with transdisciplinary science for change and have played major roles at key events like the first Nobel Prize Summit – “Our Planet, Our Future” – and COP26.
An international leader
The SRC has been granted several large funds for research into food systems, transformation and sustainable finance. You can read more about these funds in this report.
These new grants have enabled us to appoint two new professors – both of whom were evaluated through international competition – which is also very exciting.
The SRC is not just any centre for sustainability – it is an international leader in its field.
It is a true pleasure and privilege to be involved with the Stockholm Resilience Centre and I am deeply grateful to all those who have performed in such a remarkable, professional and collaborative manner.
Professor Carl Folke, Chair of the board