Publications and special issues
At least 220 scientific articles were published in 2021, across more than 100 different scientific journals
OUR RESEARCH CONTINUES TO be published in leading, high-impact-factor journals. More than 25 articles were published in Nature and Lancet-related journals, as well as in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS).
Overall, about 220 scientific articles were published in peer-reviewed journals in 2021, across more than 100 different scientific journals. Over 60% of the articles appeared in journals with an impact factor of four or higher.
List of all our publications 2021 (PDF)
Many of these articles were published in journals with a strong interdisciplinary focus. SRC researchers published five or more articles in Ambio; Ecology and Society; Ecosystems and People; Environmental Research Letters; npj Urban Sustainability; One Earth; PNAS; and Sustainability Science.

Furthermore, a ground-breaking book on methods for understanding and governing complex social-ecological systems was published in 2021, namely The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecologica
Systems, edited by Reinette Biggs, Alta de Vos, Rika Preiser, Hayley Clements, Kristine Maciejewski and Maja Schlüter.
A special issue on traps and transformations was also finalised. Edited by Hampus Eriksson, Jessica Blythe, Henrik Österblom and Per Olsson, Beyond social-ecological traps: fostering transformations towards sustainability, published in Ecology and Society, contains 13 articles.
Articles from the Blue Food Assessment were also published in a Blue Food collection in Nature and the Nature journals.
The journal Ambio (published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences) commemorated 50 years of publication throughout 2021, highlighting several articles written by SRC researchers on the themes of biodiversity conservation, urbanisation, the Anthropocene and solutions-oriented research.
In the spring, Ambio also published Our future in the Anthropocene biosphere – the white paper for the first Nobel Prize Summit. In addition, at least 30 journal articles with official publication dates in 2022 appeared online in 2021.
There were also several book chapters, as well as science, policy, practice, communication and outreach publications and reports published throughout the year. These include the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance reports and learnings from how communities in the Global South responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Increase in citations
The number of citations for SRC publications continues to rise. In 2021, it exceeded 23,000 and has now risen beyond 100,000 in total according to the ISI Web of Science.
Four of the 2021 articles were acknowledged as “highly cited papers”, with three of them also being listed as “hot papers”.
For context, highly cited papers are those that received enough citations to place them in the top 1% of their academic field.
Meanwhile, hot papers are those that received enough citations in the last two years to place them in the top 0.1%. All in all, the ISI is currently listing approximately 115 SRC publications as highly cited papers and six SRC publications as hot papers.
List of all our publications 2021 (PDF)

New journals
SRC articles published in 2021appeared in 36 journals that were new to the SRC publication list.
These include:
BMC Infectious Diseases
Business and Society; Circular Economy and Sustainability
Climate and Development; Cryosphere
Environmental International; Environmental Evidence
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution; Frontiers in Public Health
Frontiers in Sociology
Global Ecology and Biogeography
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
Journal of Mathematical Biology
Lancet Planetary Health
National Science Review
Natural Product Reports
Nature Geoscience
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
npj Urban Sustainability
Technology in Society
List of all our publications 2021 (PDF)